The Power Of Working Out With A Friend

Do you find it hard to stick to your workouts? Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. A gym buddy can keep you motivated and make it easier to stick to your routine. Plus, exercise is a lot more fun when you’re in good company.
A workout partner might be exactly what you need to achieve your fitness goals. Studies have actually found that working out with a friend increases motivation and exercise frequency. When people get together, they find it easier to stay on track with their gym routine.
Training with a friend or gym buddy can make all the difference. It not only adds competition to the mix but also keeps you accountable and committed to exercise. Need more proof? Let’s see how a workout partner can help!
Get Better Results in Less Time
When it comes to exercise, social support is a key differentiator. In a study, subjects who received a phone call once every two weeks exercised by up to 78 percent more than usual. The call was made either by a computer or human asking about the participants’ workout progress. After 18 months, those who took part in the study were still exercising at maximum intensity.
In-person support is even more powerful. A gym buddy can bring you closer to your goals, whether it’s fat loss, muscle growth, and better health.
You’ll Actually Show Up
When you know that someone is counting on you to show up at the gym, you’re more likely to stick to your workouts. Plus, you’ll feel more motivated to exercise and stick to your plan if your friend is doing it too.
Missing a session or two won’t cause any harm, but it’s easy to fall off the wagon in the long run. Imagine all the progress you would have made just over the course of the past six months if you’d never skipped a workout!
You’ll Push Yourself Harder
Human beings are naturally competitive. When you’re working out with a friend, you feel the urge to push yourself harder to keep up. This is especially true when that friend is fitter than you.
According to a 2012 study, gym goers who exercised with a buddy they thought was better than them worked out 200 harder and longer compared to those who trained alone.
What if you don’t have a gym buddy? In this case, sign up on MyFitnessPal or SparkPeople to connect with other gym goers and track your progress. These online communities have thousands of members who share common goals and support each other. Plus, most cities have dedicated Facebook groups for runners, weightlifters, or MMA enthusiasts, so it should be easy to find a workout partner in your area.
Stay Motivated
Motivation plays a key role in life and fitness. It’s what keeps you going and pushing yourself harder. If you’ve lost your motivation or have a hard time staying on track, get a gym buddy!
A workout partner will support you and be next to you when times get tough. When you’re on your own, it can be tempting to skip exercise after a long day or on weekends. After skipping one workout, you may skip the next one too.
The whole point is to create an exercise habit. If you keep missing your workouts, don’t expect results. Find a gym partner so you can keep each other motivated and reach your goals faster.
Time Goes by Faster
No matter how much you enjoy working out, you’ll get bored sooner or later. It happens to everyone, especially during those cardio sessions you don’t particularly enjoy.
Time flies when you’re in good company. Training with a friend or colleague is a lot easier than doing it on your own. You’ll no longer watch the clock and feel the time drag by. Plus, you’ll enjoy exercise more and have fun in the process!
Get a Fresh Perspective
It’s not uncommon for gym goers to underestimate or overestimate their efforts. Women, for instance, feel that they’re never slim enough. Men tend to be overly critical of themselves too when it comes to their physique. Plus, both men and women can make common mistakes in the gym, such as not lifting heavy enough or spending hours on the treadmill.
A gym buddy will see things from a different perspective. He can point out your mistakes and share helpful tips. If your workout partner has more experience than you, that’s even better! He can show you new exercises and teach you good form.
Reduce Your Risk of Injury
Trying new workouts or lifting heavier weights on your own can be risky. One wrong move is enough to cause injuries that will keep you away from the gym for months.
Let’s say you want to squat heavier. The moment you lower yourself down, your knee pops and the barbell falls over your feet. Or perhaps you feel a sharp pain in the back. Sports injuries are extremely common and require weeks or even months of downtime. In the worst case scenario, they can lead to disabilities.
A gym partner can spot you when squatting, bench pressing, or trying more complex moves. Plus, he can watch and correct your lifting form so you stay injury-free. Since you’ll do the same for him, it’s a win-win for both of you.
Celebrate Success Together
One of the best things about training with a friend is the ability to share each other’s accomplishments. You already know each other’s goals and how hard you worked to get where you are today. A gym buddy will appreciate your efforts more than anybody else.
On top of that, you can find a reward system that works for both. When you’re on your own, it’s tempting to celebrate success by indulging in sugary snacks or buying stuff you don’t really need. A workout partner, on the other hand, will remind you to stay on track and find better ways to reward your efforts.
So, what are you waiting for? Call your best friend, go online for support, or find a workout partner at the gym! You’re not the only one looking for a gym buddy. There are millions of other people who want the same thing as you do. Pop the big question –the right gym buddy will show up in no time!