How To Eat Out Without Blowing Your Diet?

Treating yourself with lunch or dinner at a restaurant doesn’t have to ruin your diet – or your waistline. Nowadays, most dining venues have healthy choices on the menu, such as grilled fish or chicken breast, tuna salad, and steak. The key is to avoid calorie-laden ingredients like sauces and creamy dressings. Cocktails, liquors, fried foods, and sugary treats are the worst offenders.
When eating out, get the most nutritional bang for your buck. Think in terms of protein, carbs, and fats. Look over the dishes on the menu. What foods offer the most protein? Which ones are high in carbs? Learn the difference between good and bad fats. Knowing these things will help you make better food choices, whether you’re eating at a fine restaurant, fast food bar, or pizza pub. Here are some tips to help you out:
Plan Things Ahead
Before heading over to a restaurant, go online and check the menu. Decide what you’re going to order and stick to your plan once you get there. If you’re invited to a friend’s birthday or other event, ask the host what meals and beverages will be available. This way, you’ll know exactly what to expect and avoid impulse eating.
Watch Out for Hidden Calories
Many dishes that are served in restaurants contain hidden sugars and fats for extra flavor. Seemingly healthy foods, such as tuna salad and Tuscan chicken, can boost over 1,000 calories per serving. If you’re on a diet, stick to the basics.
Choose simple food combos, such as grilled or steamed meat with veggies, fish with salad or mushrooms, brown rice and steak, or tomato soup. Be aware that salads are not always healthier. Most restaurants add croutons, cheese, bacon, cream, and heavy dressings, which increases their calorie content. Eventually, ask the waiter to bring sauces and dips in a separate dish, and ditch the croutons.
Practice Portion Control
Healthy food contains calories too. Just because you eat clean, it doesn’t mean you can overindulge. Portion control plays a key role in weight loss and overall health. Many restaurants offer super sized portions that can easily feed two or more people. You really don’t need all that food at once! Split your meal with a friend, or take the leftovers home. Don’t eat more than you usually do. Imagine how your plate would look like at home and stick the same serving size when eating out.
Emphasize Protein
Of all nutrients, protein is the least likely to be converted into body fat. It has just four calories per gram and offers a myriad of benefits. This nutrient fuels your muscles, accelerates metabolism, and curbs hunger. A high-protein meal will fill you quickly and help you burn more calories throughout the day.
When eating out, check the menu for protein-rich dishes, such as beef or turkey burgers, baked meatballs, grilled chicken, roast chicken, omelette, frittata, turkey wraps, and fish. Vegans and vegetarians can order beans, quinoa, soy dishes, mushrooms, or brown rice with legumes.
Avoid Empty Calories
Try to reduce calories whenever possible. Whether you’re eating out or at home, skip the butter, cheese, mayo, white potatoes, French fries, gravy, and bread. These foods are not only fattening, but also increase your cholesterol, trigger insulin spikes, and affect digestion. If you’re allergic to gluten, lactose, peanuts, soy, and other common ingredients, let the waiter know about it.
Choose Your Booze Wisely
Alcoholic drinks are notorious for their high calorie content. It’s easy to exceed to daily calories by sipping on cocktails and fancy beverages. If you can abstain from drinking alcohol, stay on the safe side. Order a glass of wine, spritzer, light beer, vodka, whisky, or champagne. These beverages are much lower in calories compared to green apple martini, Mai Tai, White Russian, Long Island iced tea, or eggnog.
For instance, Long Island iced tea boasts over 800 calories per serving. A single shot of chocolate liqueur has over 310 calories. Most types of wine provide 100-120 calories per serving, and contain powerful antioxidants that fight oxidative damage. Spirits are a good choice too as long as you don’t go overboard. If you’re in the mood for a cocktail, choose low calorie options like Gimlet, Mojito, Old Fashioned, or Gin and Tonic.
Be Mindful of How It’s Prepared
Fried fish, chicken nuggets, cream soups, and “cheesy” pasta are a calorie bomb. Before placing your order, check out the way your food is prepared. Steer clear of any menu item that says “deep fried,” “fried,” “breaded,” “creamy,” or “battered.” In general, these foods are high in fat and contain high calorie ingredients like cheese, sour cream, or mayonnaise.
Eating out while on a diet doesn’t have to be difficult. It is fine to indulge once in a while, but don’t overdo it. There are lots of healthy dishes that are good for your waistline and taste amazing, so you can eat clean without compromising on flavor.